
Monday, July 25, 2016

The "Quasi-Anti-Politically-Correct-Sorry-I'm-Not-Sorry-Post"

We live in a society where everyone is trying to find their place. Whether it be within the business world, gender identity, race equality or religious freedom and personally, I think it's a beautiful thing. Each of us should have the right to be whatever sort of crazy vessel that makes our pretty little heads euphoric (within legal limits here, people).
But, you know what really grinds my gears? (If you've seen that Family Guy episode, you'll giggle at that reference) At some point, by the time we got to my generation, men stopped being men. They became these lazy, entitled, unchivalrous, Diary of a Wimpy Kid creatures. Lackluster in morale and genetically drained of any sort of respect for those around them. The sort of chutzpah that makes you want to frame your restraining order. 
I know not all woman want some of the long-lost, old-fashioned values and I respect that. And, trust me I write this as a generality and know there are many good men out there. But, if I can push past having to write that last PC clause (because that's what we have to do when we have an opinion these days, right?), I find it all rather irritating.

Granted, I know I have an old soul. I envision myself gliding through my days in a black and white TV set, carefree, with a strong, hardworking man doting over my kids and I, kindness in his heart, helping an old lady cross the road, and, oh no, if something ever happens to break, what's this?? He can actually FIX it. 

Yet many of the men in my generation expect everything to be handed to them. And, I don't mean a hammer, because let's face it, would you even know how to use it? 

They expect instant gratification and feel they can treat others in whatever horrific fashion they choose. They can trample on families and choose laziness as their major. What has higher education come to?

There's absolutely nothing that I can't do for myself and my children. Nothing I'm not willing to learn, fix, improve, and bust my butt doing to get things done and provide a good life for 2 boys who are already proving to be greater gentlemen than their generational predecessors. 

The needle in a haystack reference has never been more relevant than today. You really have to dig to find the goods. And, if you find that gem of a human being, hold on tight like the rodeo depends on it. 

There's a reason I like to buy myself flowers. To plant my own seeds. Harvest my own sustenance. I know what I'm ingesting that way. We worry about GMOs in our food, but what about the GMOs within our people? 

I'll let that marinate. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Chumming with the Sharks

A saleswoman, I am not. I've been told hundreds of times over the years that in order to succeed in business, you've got to be good at sales. It's just not true.
"No, I didn't want to Supersize my meal but now that you mention it, I DO need 4lbs. of fries and a gallon of Coke for lunch." It's like they're intuitive.
Don't get me wrong, I get the point. But, I think the main reason I've had any professional success as an entrepreneur is because of the relationships I build. I'm always myself, not a fluffed-up, used-car salesman-type, "What's it gonna take to get youuuuu into this car that's $30k over your budget?"
I'm professional but I let my sweet and quasi-goofy personality shine through. I genuinely care about the best interest of my clients, even if that means it leads to me not getting the contract. But, the benefit of that, is that I sleep well at night with a clear conscience. Because above all else, I'd much rather be a good person with a big heart, than a bad shark with a big bank account. (Cue the sappy orchestra music!)
I'm a little fish in a big pond and I'm quite cozy here with the tadpoles and lily pads. Out in the vast ocean, we become merely shark bait getting tangled in the seaweed and choking on algae.
Who needs that kind of slime anyway?

"Good morning, Sunshine!"

It's like the first squeeze of toothpaste before anyone has a chance to mangle the tube and create a mess that, well let's face it, YOU will have to clean up.

And, very similar to the feeling you get when bacon is cooking and the smell wakes you from a peaceful slumber because YOU didn't have to make it, thus avoiding those unpredictable splatters that always seem to hit sensitive places. (The sensitive places thank you!)

Comparable to the first time the sun hits your skin after days and days of rain. The rays penetrating far past the epidermis and somehow bringing true warmth into your soul.

I'm referring to those little things called Happiness Triggers.

One of those Happiness Triggers for me is the simple yet swooning phrase of, "Good morning, Sunshine!" There's always been something about those words that speaks to my mind, body and soul. I get chills just writing this. It is this insanely warm and fuzzy phrase and its intent is never anything but to bring happiness to its recipient. Perfection!

Sometimes these Happiness Triggers come in the form of a smell that can bring you instantly back to such a specific moment in time. Or a location that holds so many memories for you, regardless of how many years go by. But, for me, it's simply...

"Good morning, Sunshine!"

Gets me every time!

What are your partner's Happiness Triggers? Yeah, yeah, we know the bedroom can bring them out easily but that's a blog post for another time. :-) I'm talking about true Happiness. Deep down, stirring their core, Happiness. How often do we forget to tap into that? How often do we just stop trying?

I know, I'm lacking some of my usual snarkiness! But, I'm nothing, if not diverse. And, don't fret! I'm sure it will return in the next post. My sarcasm only gets a one-hour lunch break a day, afterall.

So, in honor of all the tatas that are free of bacon splatter (see, it didn't go far), fresh tubes of toothpaste and bountiful sunshine rays, I encourage you to stop chasing those ridiculous Pokémon Go thing-a-ma-jigs, and go seek out the Happiness Triggers of your loved ones! Obviously. I mean now....go. Go on! Git...