Do you remember a time, long, long ago, before we became a bit cynical and critical of people? Most of us try not to be but let's face it, it happens to the best of us.
That stage of innocence was an amazing time. We loved people for how they treated us, the way they made us laugh or how they comforted us when we needed it most. They were beautiful people inside and we saw them as beautiful on the outside as well.
So, where does the transition come in? When did we begin judging others by outward appearances instead of the genuine person inside? Skin color, attire and perceived social status suddenly becomes our compass for deciding who is worthy of our time.
I started analyzing this topic when my 22-month old son picked up a Victoria's Secret ad the other day. He pointed to a brunette model and exclaimed, "Oh, it's Mama!"
Needless to say, I had a good laugh! But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that what Isaiah saw as beauty on the outside, was the same as the beauty he saw in me, on the inside. So, from his perspective, why wouldn't I be the gorgeous supermodel on the cover?
I think when we start transitioning into superficial beings, we also lose sight of the beauty within ourselves. We become over-judgmental of our looks ("Does this make me look fat?"), our jobs ("What if I'm not good enough?"), our home ("Is my house big enough to impress our friends?") and ourselves ("What do other people want me to be?").
I want to be able to see myself as a supermodel. Not physically (Ok, maybe a little lol) but as a whole being. I want to radiate that beauty into the world and I want it to become infectious. Whatever your ideal vision of beauty it! Whatever your biggest dream is...accomplish it! Whatever your most annoying insecurity is...bury it!
Let's all be on the cover of our own magazine. And let's look at each other the way our kids do....without the imperfections.
I'm ready for my close-up! Cheeeeese!